Next Steps After Admission
To give you a sense of what you can expect once you are admitted to a program at Centennial Peaks Hospital, we’ve provided some information below on patient experience and how to contact and visit a loved one who is in the facility. While every patient is different, these are some common next steps and procedures once we’ve determined that a patient requires further care.
Patients should pack the following items for their stay at our facility:
- You will be brought back to the unit to see a nurse – who will take your vital signs and share information with you. You and your belongings will be searched to ensure security on the unit.
- Rooms are designed for two person occupancy.
- A medical doctor is required to see you within 24 hours of your admission.
- You will be assigned a Social Worker who will coordinate your care, including scheduling family meetings, and working on your discharge plan.
- You will begin to attend group meetings as soon as you are able. These meetings are educational (i.e., medication education), therapeutic (i.e., development of coping skills) or experiential (i.e., art/music therapy).
- If you have brought medications with you, please show them to the nurse upon admission. Medications that we already have in stock in our pharmacy will be sent home. If you are taking a medication that we do not stock, we will keep it in our medication room and obtain a physician’s order to dispense it to you.
- Centennial Peaks Hospital is a locked facility.
- Friends and family must have your patient identification number to communicate with staff about you. This number will be provided on admission.
- Visitation is allowed, please call 303-673-9990, option 0 for questions.
- Cell phones are not permitted in the facility for privacy and therapeutic reasons. This applies to visit time in the cafeteria, so please leave phones with the receptionist at the front desk when you check in.
- There may be an unusual or unforeseen family concern that requires an exception to this visitation policy. The social worker should be notified of the particular issues during business hours so that any changes or exceptions may be made before the time of visitation.
- Scheduled Phone Times: We request that phone calls be made primarily to parents and loved ones during the times listed below. On admission, the parent/guardian will be asked to complete a phone list with essential phone numbers so that we may reach individuals involved in the patient’s care.
- Monday – Friday: 7:30a.m. – 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m., 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
- Saturday – Sunday: 7:30 a.m. – 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., 8:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
- When calling the facility to speak to your loved one, you will need their patient ID number. This will be provided at admission and is used to protect your loved one’s privacy.
Discharge planning is a very important part of our treatment process at Centennial Peaks Hospital. To create a smooth transition after hospitalization, we begin working on discharge planning at the time of admission. Your cooperation and participation are vital to making this process successful.
The discharge planning process includes:
- Arranging aftercare with a physician or clinical nurse specialist for medication management. We can provide a referral, but the patient must schedule the appointment and attend the session(s).
- Arranging aftercare with a therapist for continued outpatient counseling. We can provide a referral and schedule the first appointment, but the patient must be responsible for keeping this appointment.
- Providing referrals to support groups, aftercare and/or 12-step groups.
- Choosing a supportive environment for the patient to go after discharge.
- At the time of discharge, the patient and a support person (parent, spouse, family member or friend) will meet with the Aftercare Coordinator to discuss the patient’s discharge plan.
- If the patient is an adolescent, a parent or guardian must be present at this meeting. A Centennial Peaks staff person will schedule this meeting with the patient’s parent or guardian.
- If the patient is an adult, Centennial Peaks staff will schedule the discharge meeting with the patient, but the patient is responsible for contacting the support person(s) to arrange their attendance.
Always Here to Help
Centennial Peaks Hospital is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide a no-cost mental health assessment for you or your loved one. Call us at 303-673-9990 or visit our Louisville, CO facility to get started. In the case of a medical emergency or crisis, please dial 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.